Having the capacity of a white collar but stuck in a blue collar job. PGP.
Coming in for a full day with nothing to do but attend a meeting scheduled for the last hour. PGP.
Everytime I hear the printer firing up outside my office, I know that’s my cue to make it appear as if I’m working. PGP.
Got caught picking my nose by a quiet-footed coworker walking by my office. PGP
You’re either the slacker who called in sick or the jerk who got the office sick. PGP
My lunch buddy cheated on me today with someone down the hall. PGP.
If the job won’t kill you then the commute will. PGP.
Couldn’t go to the Catalina Wine Mixer because of work. PGP.
The day after you try reliving your undergrad days during game day. PGP.
My dog thinks my boat shoes are chew toys. PGP.