Yeah. Sadly for Kasich, this was the wrong year to be talking about balancing the budget and focusing on different policy achievements. Everyone knows petty insults and aggressive tweets are the path to the Oval Office now.
We could’ve had Kasich/Rubio, but the GOP base decided to go batshit insane. Now we’re stuck choosing between a Lucifer in a pantsuit and an orange racist. Thanks, voters.
I’ve been following this troubling, soul sucking relationship since it first graced our computer screens last year. I’m still deciding if Todd is a self loathing goober or if the sex is just incredible. Probably both.
I appreciate you reaching out to the PGP community with this excellent opportunity that seems to include a lot of room for growth. Can you shoot me an email with additional information at I look forward to learning more about this position!
I don’t take advice from guys that support Socialists to get laid.
I slipped a disc in my back doing The Wobble at a wedding last month. I’ve accepted that I’m well past my prime.
Key West is a special place.
This is an underrated comment.
This must be what rock bottom feels like.
Yeah. Sadly for Kasich, this was the wrong year to be talking about balancing the budget and focusing on different policy achievements. Everyone knows petty insults and aggressive tweets are the path to the Oval Office now.
We could’ve had Kasich/Rubio, but the GOP base decided to go batshit insane. Now we’re stuck choosing between a Lucifer in a pantsuit and an orange racist. Thanks, voters.
This is too real for a Wednesday. A parent’s love for their child is one of the warmest reminders of humanity in this seemingly cruel world.
Classic Administrative Assistant problems.
I’ve been following this troubling, soul sucking relationship since it first graced our computer screens last year. I’m still deciding if Todd is a self loathing goober or if the sex is just incredible. Probably both.
Golden Retrievers and Eggs Benny? Sign me up.
“Only 8% live at home.”. I’m not buying that for a second.
Hi tortramhuj,
I appreciate you reaching out to the PGP community with this excellent opportunity that seems to include a lot of room for growth. Can you shoot me an email with additional information at I look forward to learning more about this position!
Finding a week old interview offer from my dream employer in my spam folder hasn’t helped my mood much either…
The receptionist in my office recently told me that I looked “mentally checked out” and “really unhappy here”. She’s not wrong. PGP.
You’re easily the most likable sociopath I’ve come across.
I’m just trying to land somewhere in between Hank Hill and Red Foreman in this crazy thing called life. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.
Even as a Christian, I think this is a God awful idea.
Hating your job and not making enough money. PGP.