
After stretching college out for 9 years, McMagistrate is now an attorney in her late-ish 20's who earned her title by embracing the stigma that accompanies a healthy partying habit. She enjoys showing off her sub-par golf game and pretending her impressive law school loan doesn't exist. You can likely find her on her patio, live-tweeting her wine binges, and concerning her neighbors.

Member Since 09/09/2013

  • McMagistrate 10 years ago on Absurd Cubicle Décor Prevention

    Answers / comments to a couple questions posed:
    1- The most decorative thing in my cube is a sticky-note pad that has my alma mater logo on it.

    2- Decorate your home with your sports memorabilia.

    3- I’m not a parent and kids scare me. Their drawings and pictures make my ovaries hide… but if that’s your thing, I understand, and as you said “moderation is key!”

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