Lester Burn-em

Member Since 10/10/2017

  • Lester Burn-em 7 years ago on This Is How Guys Are Being Creepy Even If They’re Unaware of It

    What you are basically saying is that women have the right to manipulate a situation when they desire, but also have the ability to call foul if they don’t. Again, I agree with all of the points made in the article, and i agree with you that nobody should be forced or manipulated to do anything. this should be true no matter what sex you are, so it is ironic to me that men get manipulated all of the time by these tactics that women use. I also find it funny that you call me a creepy fuck for projecting my thoughts onto the author, then you proceed to project your thoughts onto me. The way things are headed we are going to need consent to say hello eventually.

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  • Lester Burn-em 7 years ago on This Is How Guys Are Being Creepy Even If They’re Unaware of It

    I agree with all the points made in this article. However, it bothers me when women use their sexuality when it is convenient for them or to leverage getting what they want… Introspection sets in only after the attention stops. The way I read this article was… “Now that I’m older and not as desirable, i don’t like that i can’t get what i want from men just by letting them grab my @$$ or stare at my tits. So now i want justice since i have to actually work for things or try harder to get my way.”

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  • Lester Burn-em 7 years ago on My Office Is Jeans Casual And It’s Turning Me Into A Monster

    I used to be like you, tricking myself into thinking that being organized meant you were in control of life. Then I got a prescription for Xanax and let life just happen. Casual days are just a way for your company to trick you into thinking they are “cool” and “fun” and distract you from all the shady shit they’re doing in the meantime.

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  • Lester Burn-em 7 years ago on The 5 Stages of Grief When You Start Losing Your Hair

    My hair started falling out at 17…. at 19 I started buzzing it and never looked back. At this point I buzz it with a no guard once a week and have finally started to grow a respectable beard, the look seems to work for me. Any girls shallow enough to reject a guy for his hair arent worth the time to begin with in my opinion. It also seems like the guys who make fun of my hair loss have much bigger personal issues than what’s going on with my hairline.

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  • Lester Burn-em 7 years ago on Making The Most Out Of The Last Year Of My Twenties

    I just turned 30 last week. Last year on my 29th birthday I was in the middle of a divorce to an unfaithful sloot, so I’m with you on feeling like I would be in a different position at this stage of my life. I did most of the things you mentioned, and i will say that it is worth the time and the money. Invest in yourself, see as much as you can, and get healthy now while it is still relatively easy. I can now say that I am in the best shape of my life and the happiest I have ever been. One suggestion I would make is mending burned bridges, and reconnecting with old friends.

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