
Career gal by day; grad student by night. DC sports fan, because I love misery.

Member Since 03/20/2017

  • kmkGM 7 years ago on Things Girls Do After Graduation: Dinner Party

    Remember…I was sup’d earlier this week by that one guy (who is also a writer on this site) on the article about dating people who aren’t into us; I tried reaching out, he didn’t respond.

    Just to clarify: I watch baseball religiously during the summer. Keep up with football and hockey during their seasons (enough to have intelligent conversations with other people). But, my experience is that guys want a girl who will let them watch their game, but not actually participate in conversations or trash talking that he has with his friends.

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  • kmkGM 7 years ago on Things Girls Do After Graduation: Dinner Party

    Bottom of the 9th, bases loaded, tied game: there are LAWS that require the television to be turned on in this situation. If your significant other doesn’t understand this, you’re dating the wrong person.

    (This, coming from a chick).

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  • kmkGM 7 years ago on The Brunette Across The Room, Part Three

    I want to know about the ending…they’ve been together six months and he’s got a key to her place? (As he crawled back to her bed, at her apartment and she was still at the party).

    Also – jealousy at a meaningless party – can we agree we’ve had this happen to us at least once?

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  • kmkGM 7 years ago on Why Do We Only Want To Date People Who Don't Want To Date Us?

    Whoa. Are you in the DC area? Saw you has a pic of the Caps on your twitter page…I work in Arlington, live in Fairfax. Watch the Caps and Nats religiously.

    Also – you’re the guy who writes the hypothetical Seinfeld conversations!

    Gotta say it again: Sup?

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  • kmkGM 7 years ago on Why Do We Only Want To Date People Who Don't Want To Date Us?

    See, I used to be the wishy-washy girl and wait for the call to text and offer to make plans and just the cliche girl-who-waits-so-shes-not-pushy. Then I decided to try being confident and more straightforward (actually due to an article on this site a few months ago!). It works…but a lot of guys take it as I’m just confident about wanting to hook up. Apparently a girl taking the initiative to suggest drinks means she’s a guarantee lay??
    So girls are left to be the submissive waiter or the confident hook up suggester.

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  • kmkGM 7 years ago on Why Do We Only Want To Date People Who Don't Want To Date Us?

    As a single gal who is also trying to navigate the dating waters of the DC area, I 100% relate to this. Finding a smart, good looking guy who doesn’t live 30+ miles away, has his shit together, and doesn’t have a harem of chicks from Tinder and Bumble he’s currently juggling is harder than navigating the Beltway at 5pm on a weekday.

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  • kmkGM 7 years ago on Bachelor In Paradise Suspends Production Apparently Because Of Sex Stuff In The Pool

    Question for the legal folks out there: If it went down like they’re saying – she was too drunk to consent to what was happening – wouldn’t the production crew be held liable for not stepping in and intervening? I understand reality tv is all about allowing stuff to unfold “naturally”, but we’ve all seen crew step in to break up fights. Why wouldn’t they have stepped in here if it really was in issue?

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  • kmkGM 7 years ago on True Life: I Make More Money Than My Boyfriend

    This was my situation…until January.

    Long story short, when I first met “Dave”, we had similar salaries. A year later, I left my company to go do the same job at another company and got a nice bump in my salary. This left us excited about buying decent baseball tickets and the first thoughts of buying a house. Then I was offered a job elsewhere and the current company gave me a rise to get me to stay…so salary difference grew more. After first saying no, I changed my mind and took the new job and got a 33% raise from the salary I was at…which meant I was making almost double what he was making in one job change.
    While he seemed to enjoy the perks (I never minded picking up the check or buying stuff; I’d occasionally bug him about picking up groceries for the week, but only because our cart was 70/30 splits of what he wanted v. what we actually needed) and even made funny comments about his ultimate goal was to become a “House Husband” and stay at home with the 2 cats and the dog while I worked, it apparently did bother him – A LOT.

    He told me out of the blue one day in January he wanted to take a few days to go to his dads…and then he said he wanted to take a longer break…and then two weeks later, I got dumped over breakfast at Silver Diner on a Thursday.

    There’s obviously a ton I’m leaving out – but he was never ok with me making more money than him. I paid more in rent, paid all the utilities, paid for stuff we needed more often than him because he contributed in other ways (walking the dog and making dinner when I worked late; letting me vent when work was stressful, making sure grad school didn’t consume my life, etc.). When we were talking about buying a house, I was going to put more of a down payment down and pay more towards the mortgage each month because I knew he would be doing the “fixing” around the house.

    I’m not saying your relationship can’t work out, I’m just saying – if he really isn’t ok with it, talk to him about it. Ask him what would make the situation better. Does he need to always pick up the tab when you go out for drinks? Does the Target trip need to be split 50/50? Do the “just ’cause” gifts from you to him need to stop? Ask him what will make it better. If you really like/love the guy, its worth the awkward conversation; I wish I had done this 6 months ago because I really would have done almost anything to save my relationship with Dave.

    TL;DR – this can be a reason the relationship ends. If you really like/love the guy – talk to him about what could make the situation easier/better for him. Take it from someone who has experience with this.

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