
Member Since 05/19/2017

  • jw0390 7 years ago on I Have Some Horrible News To Share With You

    IMO, Summer isn’t over til the first Top 25 College Football team has played its first home game. This year unfortunately, will be South Florida hosting powerhouse San Jose State on August 26th.

    Go Bulls?

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  • jw0390 7 years ago on I Pushed All My Chips In And Hit Send

    Just go for it bud, its like sales. Girls are getting messages and text’s each day from other suitors they meet trying to sell them on their attributes. Sure there will be plenty of no’s but at a certain point, at the right time, there will be a yes. Its up to you if that yes is being sent to you or another guys phone.

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  • jw0390 7 years ago on I Think I’m A Montana Guy Now

    Montana will ruin any man. Spend a week there fly fishing or skiing and you’ll have tears streaming down your face as the plane begins to push back on the tarmac. Insanely beautiful and peaceful place.

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  • jw0390 7 years ago on Sometimes You Have To Start Over

    I may get some down votes here but man, you’re fucking 26 years old. No one is perfect nor does anyone really know what their doing at that age.You’re supposed to make mistakes, do dumb stuff, make poor decisions and maybe lose a relationship or two. Its not the end of the world that you’re moving home and If you somehow are able to find your true calling in life while being successful and most importantly, happy, before you turn 30…holy cow, you are doing much better than 90% of people out there your age.

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  • jw0390 7 years ago on I Finally Feel Like I've Graduated

    Good article, its always important to remember as we get older how lucky we had it. Its easy to take college experiences for granted but in truth not many people get 4 or 5 or in my case 6 years to live it up in a fun college town with people that become like family. On game days, I tend to drink one sometimes ten, Natty Light or Keystones to just remind myself of the good ole days.

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  • jw0390 7 years ago on The Best Pizza Isn't From Chicago Or New York

    Is it….blasphemy to say that basically every state and almost every city has bomb ass pizza? Like…people who grew up in the Northeast move to other parts of the country and open up pizza places all the time. I’m sure that you can fine bomb ass pie in Indiana and Idaho that would rival most places.

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  • jw0390 7 years ago on Bring On Fall

    Hell, just move to Seattle…its fall here 9 months out of the year!

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  • jw0390 7 years ago on Nobody Goes On Dates Anymore

    Nothing gets a women’s libido going like spending a hot summers night with a young, drunk, sweaty man stuffing his face with some overpriced spaghetti while acting like he gives a f*** about her major in college and whether her friend is being shady for not inviting her to her other friends pool party. If you get through this mental test, you deserve some pie.

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  • jw0390 7 years ago on Displaced Texan Chronicles: Fireball, Brunch And Assholes

    True Seattlites don’t brunch near Lake Washington or any where near the water for that matter, you know why? Asshole tourist. A true Seattle brunch is grabbing a dark cup of drip coffee, a bagel, and a Seattle Times paper while bitching and mumbling to yourself about tourist and the rising cost of homes while waiting for the pot shop to open.

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  • jw0390 7 years ago on Please Stop Appropriating Meat

    I use to be like you. Super agro about how I eat beef and vegans are weak beta individuals. But after being on a vegetarian diet for almost 3 months, I’ve lost 12 pounds with relative ease, my blood pressure has dropped below 120/80 for the first time in 5 years, I have more energy throughout the day and I’m sleeping better than I could of ever imagined and that’s all by replacing meat with tofu or other plant based proteins like beans, etc. What I’m saying is that for some of us, its not really a matter of not liking meat, its that the health benefits when it comes to giving up or highly reducing your intake out weighs the benefits of a bloody plate and the meat sweats.

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  • jw0390 7 years ago on I’m Going To Lose This Weight: Gaining Freedom, Not Pounds

    This is one of the hardest times of year, aside from Thanksgiving or Christmas when it comes to staying in shape or losing weight for that matter. If you don’t mind me chiming in, we just do veggie burgers (Amy’s and Morning Star do a good job) now… It’s something that my significant other pushed on me, once you pile on the avocado, onions, pickles, tomatoes, etc. you really cant tell that much of a difference (Ok maybe a little..) and it saves you like 325 Calories and instead of fries, we go to Trader Joe’s and they have Julienne Root Veggies that get the job done. Couple that with some cold watermelon slices and a 6 pack of light beer….you can actually make out like a bandit while still somewhat indulging.

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