Swiftly alt-tabbing to an equally unproductive tab. PGP.
Ugh. PGP.
No better way in spreading low office morale than discussing with your coworkers about the possibility of becoming a billionaire and affirming everyone hates it there.
The guy in the stall next to me clearly overdid it during the National Championship Game last night. PGP.
My 401K is down 2% this month. Better re-think going to Chillis for lunch. PGP
Getting emails from your boss that has all the information stuffed in the subject line and the only thing in the body is “Thanks.”
We’re hiring new people and I just heard my boss say we need to “make room” for them. PGP
The southern California sales rep sends emails with the signature “InSane Diego”.
Got below perfect rating on my yearly review for attendance. I have literally taken 0 days off. PGP