There is nothing for me to do today. I don’t know why they made me come in. PGP.
Taking an early lunch to take advantage of the doorbuster specials at Jos. A. Bank. PGP.
Show me the way to go home now. I’m tired and I wanna go to bed. PGP.
I always volunteer to clean out the fridge in the break room every month so I can get some free food that may or may not have spoiled. PGP.
“I know nobody likes me. Why do we have to have a holiday season to emphasize it?” – Charlie Brown. PGP.
My boss’s boss told me that I could leave early. My boss said I can’t leave early. PGP.
Praying the Southwest cattle run of a boarding process puts me next to someone hot. PGP.
I spent more money on my parents than they spent on me for Christmas. PGP.
Not only working, but having to come in an hour early the day after Christmas. PGP.
“We got your Christmas card the other day and my family and I are very flattered you remembered us.” PGP.