That doesn’t even give you the chance to know each other for a full fiscal year. You’re missing out on an entire quarter which is essential to knowing how someone operates through the ups and downs of the business cycle.
So true. And it’s funny how PM’s never make that much money according to these articles and studies. They may make $118,000 in salary a year but some pull in the millions in bonuses. In finance, money is in the bonuses not salaries which is why they’re never at the top of these studies which is funny when people don’t realize that.
That doesn’t even give you the chance to know each other for a full fiscal year. You’re missing out on an entire quarter which is essential to knowing how someone operates through the ups and downs of the business cycle.
I’ll be probably moving there too this fall (change of plans from Grand Rapids.) Not gonna know a soul.
Many a drunken college night ended with $8.99 2 medium 2 topping pizzas from Papa John’s sided with garlic butter sauce. Those were the days…..
So true. And it’s funny how PM’s never make that much money according to these articles and studies. They may make $118,000 in salary a year but some pull in the millions in bonuses. In finance, money is in the bonuses not salaries which is why they’re never at the top of these studies which is funny when people don’t realize that.
Good shit. Can’t wait to see you on UVA’s sideline next year after you send 3 of these malcontents to D1 contenders.
I just noticed the girl on the right in the stock photo is only wearing underwear under her skirt? Bold move.
Yeah I’m more of an 8-5+ kind of guy. My pedantic routine is the most important thing to me in life rn.
Sounds about right.
I’d say that’s more of a PGPM.
Well aren’t you fancy.
I mean isn’t labeling/marketing/advertising a huge business and always has been….?
*Insert gif of brushing shoulder off except I don’t know how to*
Name checks out.
These are all the kids you absolutely hated but in reality were super jealous of.
You just got your team suspended for the year for saying that you chauvinistic pig.
Oh boy.
Not sure. Give it a shot for research purposes and get back with us on the results.
That’s a strange gift for anyone not called “grandpa.”