Member Since 09/29/2017

  • CPG88 7 years ago on Riding In The Front Seat Of An Uber — Normal Or Psychotic?

    Dude, Uber says that they only take 30% of your fares but that is complete bullshit. They actually take between 60-70%. So when you get that $7 buck ride home from the bar when you are blacked out, we only get $3 bucks. It’s nice when we work hard to provide a great experience and get a dollar tip. It’s not going to break the bank, and we know that Uber is still half the price of a cab. Also don’t be that guy/girl that says thank you so much I will leave you something and don’t tip. We look after and can change your rating from 5 stars to 1. This is why most people get shitty ratings, or if you yak in our cars. Just say please pull over, we will probably wait and sit with u if your sick. We are humans too, so most drivers will help you out. In general, just be respectful and you will have a good experience every time. Thanks and sorry for the rant, I just want to get the riders informed.

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  • CPG88 7 years ago on Riding In The Front Seat Of An Uber — Normal Or Psychotic?

    I drive for Uber on the weekends and it’s 50/50 when someone sits in the front. If your going to start touching all my shit, messing with the radio, squirming like a fish DON’T sit in the front. But if you can sit there and just chill, go ahead. Of course if your a smoking hot babe, please sit in the front (). But the sign of a driver wants you to sit in front or back is if the front seat is moved all the way up. If we have made it clear that the front seat is moved up to the absolute most possible, do not try and sit in the front. You just look stupid and are annoying.

    P.S. – Uber fares don’t include tips. Make sure to tip your drivers. Seriously!!!!

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