Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

We are all business casual guy. PGP.

Gotta love Kate the WASP.

A White Woman’s Attempt At Joining An NYC Subway Dance Group

I just melted into my chair.

These Guys Sang An 800-Year-Old Icelandic Hymn In A Subway Station, It Sounds Like Heaven

These Friends Get Together Each Year And Shoot A Hilarious Themed Calendar, 2014’s Edition Is Incredible

2004 In One Photo.

Every bumper sticker in my parking lot.

Congratulations, young man.

This Kid Faceplanting After Attempting A Backflip At Graduation Is A Perfect Metaphor

Billy’s up to his old tricks agian.

The Best Way To Deal With A Tyler Perry Fan? Destroy Art Right In Front Of Them

Total dad move.

Congressman Sean Duffy Does His Own Version Of “#SELFIE”

The PGP Friday Playlist: 4/25