Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013


No One Loves Their Job As Much As This Guy Loves Driving An Ambulance

Gotta love a ‘vo.

This Guy Really Wants You To Buy His Volvo Wagon

Today is the great George Brett’s birthday. 61 years young. Not only is he one of the greatest hitters in baseball history, he’s the greatest storyteller in MLB history. You might have already seen this video, but I don’t care. It’s worth watching over and over, again and again. He shit his pants in Vegas some years back and decided that he wanted to tell a bunch of Kansas City Royals rookies about it at Spring Training in 2005. “I’m standin’ there and it’s just runnin’ down my leg.”

George Brett Tells The Most Epic Story About Shitting Your Pants You’ll Ever Hear

This Is What It Looked Like To Get Hammered Drunk In The 19th Century

A “Game Of Thrones/Robot Chicken” Parody

To get to a billion right swipes, you have to…oh, whatever. This is funny.

Tinder Parodied As “The Social Network”

Insane Person Calls 911 After Subway Gets Her Sandwich Wrong


Cruise Ship Blasts “Seven Nation Army” On Its Horns As It Pulls Into Harbor

Shutterfly Told A Ton Of Not Pregnant People They Were Pregnant This Morning

That Girl Who Got Smoked In The Head With A Shovel Gets The Perfect Remix