Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

Just adorable.

Rachel McAdams’s Audition Tape For “The Notebook” Will Make You Fall In Love With Her All Over Again

It’s Time To Get All Hopped Up For USA-Germany With This Goosebump-Inducing Hype Video

Can we finally just admit that this was all just a stunt to promote a shitty seafood chain restaurant?

“Forrest Gump” Finally Gets An Honest Trailer

Deleted FAFSA Tweet Blatantly Makes Fun Of “Poor” College Kids

This Guy Secretly Posts Pictures Of Naked Old Dudes In His Instagram Feed (NSFW)

He’s going places.

5-Year-Old Teaches You Everything You Need To Know About Making A Rap Song

The beautiful game.

World Cup Brawl Features Shirtless Dude Smoking A Cig As Chaos Unfolds Around Him

POLL: Have You Ever Had Sex In Your Office?

The New York Times Tried To Smear Walmart, Walmart VP Rips It To Shreds

What Would Famous Nicktoons Look Like If Hollywood Tried To Reboot Them?