Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

Good ol’ St. Joe, Missouri.

Missouri Mall Airs The Worst Back-To-School Ad Of The Summer

Stop it. #StopCrossfit

This Is How Ridiculous Crossfit Looks

Here’s Amy Schumer (Kinda) Doing The Ice Bucket Challenge In Her Underwear

John Oliver Weighs In On Ferguson

“Whoomp, there it is!”

This Compilation Of Showboating Little League Umps Is Hysterical

This is too good not to share.

Robin Williams Once Got Interrupted While Performing For US Soldiers And His Response Was Legendary

Here’s Yet Another Comcast Customer Service Horror Story, With Video

A JUNIOR western bacon chee.

Throwback Thursday: Tenacious D Goes To The Drive Thru

Well, sir. Maybe your son can teach you to shoot your cell phone videos horizontally.

Dad Teaches Son A Valuable Lesson About His Convertible

You da real MVP.

Feel Good Video Of The Day: Policeman Saves Woman’s Life After Pulling Her Over