Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

“You ever get so broke that the bank starts charging you money for not having enough money?”

Before He Was Famous, Louis CK Did An Awesome Bit On Being Broke

Don’t hate the player.

4chan Founder Christopher Poole’s TED Talk

Nails Sinatra.

Adam Levine Does Incredible Impressions Of Famous Musicians On Fallon

One last time…until the next time.

You Don’t Have To Be A Fan Of Either Team To Appreciate This Bone Chilling Notre Dame/Michigan Hype Video

This is impressive.

Construction Has Started On Apple’s New, Obnoxiously Large, Spaceship-Looking Campus

The Very Best Of @PFTCommenter

Oh, Canada.

Furious French Canadian Records Gridlocked Montreal Traffic At 6 A.M. While Losing His Mind

You mean you weren’t going to share it with a friend?

Subway Execs Shocked To Find Out That Customers Were Buying Footlong Subs For Themselves

Here Are The People Who Drafted Tim Tebow In Their Fantasy Drafts

“Come up with a budget, then f**k that budget.”

How To Plan A Wedding, Realistically