Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

Fast Food Employees Reveal Which Menu Items You Should Never Order

Grandma Launches Kickstarter To Fund Her Giant Penis Quilting Business

Got ’em good.

Here’s A Horrifying (And Cute?) Prank Involving A Dog In A Spider Costume

The Binge Watcher’s Guide To “Friday Night Lights”


2,000 Years Of Europe’s Ever-Changing Borders

These guys are the best.

Tim And Eric Stopped By The Tonight Show, Of Course It Got Weird

Almost got it. Bryan was performing in Indianapolis and tried the old “toss me a beer, I’ll catch it in a cool way” move and it could not have gone much worse. He played it off perfectly.

Luke Bryan Plows Into A Pile Of Women After Trying To Catch A Beer Behind His Back

20 years later. PGP.

Esurance Put Up An Extremely Vulgar And Hilarious Billboard In Chicago

New Dad Attempts Photoshoot With Newborn Baby, Baby Does What A Baby Does