Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

Awesome, terrifying, America. This is the 2014 Joint Forcible Entry exercise, coordinated by the Air Force and paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne. It’s a simulated mini-war that takes five months to prepare for. When we want to bring down the thunder, this is what the enemy sees. This is what it looks like when Mother Freedom starts ringing her bell.

This Is What It Looks Like When The United States Invades A Country

These are the best.

Those Two Guys Who Lip Synched Their Mom And Her Sister’s Conversations Did One For The Holidays

The 7 Best Things About Selling Out And Moving To The ‘Burbs

Who thought this was a good idea?

This Horrible Jacksonville Tourism Video Is Proof That Old People Should Not Be Allowed On The Internet

This is outstanding.

Frank Caliendo’s Reading Of “Twas The Night Before Christmas” As Every ESPN Personality Is Hysterical

2014 Is Winding Down, But This Is The Clear Winner Of The White Dude Dunk Of The Year

“Don’t pick it up.” That is going to haunt my dreams tonight.

The Second Trailer For “American Sniper” Is Intense As Hell

We Have Kim Jong-un’s Leaked Emails

Bottoms up.

This Footage From A Camera Strapped To A Bottle Of Fireball At A Christmas Party Will Fill You With Holiday Cheer

Here’s The Kim Jong Un Death Scene From “The Interview”