Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

Texas Teen Complains About New Job On Twitter, Boss Tweets For The First Time In Six Years Just To Fire Her

“Self love is a good thing, but self awareness is more important.”

Louis C.K. Brilliantly Explains Why You Need To Get Rid Of Your Shitty Friends

FRIDAY DIMEBAG: What Is The Greatest Power Move Of All Time?

The PGP Friday Afternoon Playlist: Casual Friday

Watch An Adult Man Slap Another Adult Man Into Next Week

Luxury Items You Can Actually Afford

Jimmy Fallon Finally Reunited The Cast Of “Saved By The Bell”


This Canadian Train Plowing Through Snow Drifts Might Be The Coolest Thing I’ve Ever Seen

This is a genius move. Slamming your girlfriend’s indecisiveness while showing her you care at the same damn time.

His Girlfriend Didn’t Want Birthday Presents, So He Made A Short Film About Her Trying To Decide What To Have For Dinner

“I look like a fraternity brother version of Ben Roethlisberger.” Robbie Sherrard forever.

Guy Perfectly Explains Why It’s Impossible For Men To Not Look Creepy All The Time