Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

Classic dogs.

Dog Goes Bonkers On Owner’s Bed After They Leave For Work

The Worst Ways To Fill Out Your March Madness Bracket

“The church doesn’t like gay people, but skirts on men are okay?”

“Kate The WASP” Does St. Patrick’s Day

Brian Hull is the latest member of the “Let It Go” parody viral video club. The Oscar-winning song from “Frozen” has gone Gangnam Style on the internet and everyone’s putting their own spin on it. I was done with Gangnam Style after about two days, but I can get on board with this kind of market saturation.

Guy Belts Out “Let It Go” As 21 Different Famous Disney Characters

21 Power Moves You Can Pull In The Office On St. Patrick’s Day

SXSW is known for a lot of things. Breaking barriers in entertainment and technology, discovering talent, and gigantic brawls on Sixth Street that go viral on WorldStar. No more was this apparent than it was this past weekend during another massive donnybrook on Sixth. The story here isn’t the fight itself or the idiots partaking in the fight. The story here is the dude around the :43 second mark of the video crushing a slice of pizza (probably Rappolo’s) and giving zero fucks about the chaos erupting around him.

Coolest Dude On Earth Nonchalantly Eats Pizza In The Middle Of Massive SXSW Brawl

“Impractical Jokers” is a show on TruTV that pits four friends against one another to see who can come up with the most ridiculous practical joke. Well, I think this poor guy topped them all. He’s forced into giving quite possibly the worst wedding speech I’ve ever heard. The bride and groom are in on it, but the rest of the wedding party is not and the result is cringeworthy.

Practical Joker Nearly Ruins This Couple’s Wedding With A Truly Atrocious Speech

St. Patrick’s Day In Your 20s vs. St. Patrick’s Day In Your 30s

The PGP Friday Playlist: 3/14

Might be an all-timer.

The “Turn Down For What” Video Is As Awesome And Insane As The Song