Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

I hate the use of “epic” in general, but that really is the only way to describe this. Jimmy Fallon continues to bring out the absolute best in his guests and reignite all of the nostalgic feels from Americans everywhere. This is amazing.

Kevin Bacon’s Epic “Footloose” Entrance On Fallon

The PGP Friday Playlist: 3/21

I propose we start the life hall of fame and these are the two first inductees.

Jimmy Fallon And Billy Joel’s Acapella Version Of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” Is Everything

72 Things I’m Going To Teach My Son

Diary Of An Entry-Level Try Hard: The Blind Date

Frank Underwood Throwing All Sorts Of Shade In These Wonderful GIFs

Louis CK is perhaps the most cynical – yet brilliant – people on the planet, but his theory on The Actor’s Studio couldn’t have been more wrong.

Bradley Cooper Shot Down Louis CK’s Theory On Struggling Actors 10 Years Before It Even Happened

The “Happy Gilmore” Nintendo Game That Was Never Made

The message is there. Execution could not have been worse. Pretty sure this guy is playing conservative because all of his friends are liberals. Goddamn hipsters.

The GOP’s Ad Campaign Targeting Hipsters Is Painfully Bad

Flappy Bird Is Coming Back