Hit the nail on the head about Millennials getting the short end of the stick, people not retiring & creating a log jam, & hating the word millennials.
Have you ever said anything of worth man? How do the lemmings on this site appreciate the hot air that is your lengthy, useless comments. Not to mention you try to sound smarter than you are.
Sounds like a bunch of guys that hate spending time with their families, and don’t value their free time. Thus wasting away hours drinking beer in a freezing cold parking lot. No thanks, that’s not the type of family I’d like to have
I can’t believe Madoff gets praised for the garbage he spews out to you lemmings, but Johnny D gets torn apart. Johnny D & Defries are the only reason I read this site, by a long shot
lol at shit licker
I mean there’s not much positive about this article, which is why it was probably received well by me
Was waiting for you at Hartsfield wearing a 1995 Braves World Series hat
Hit the nail on the head about Millennials getting the short end of the stick, people not retiring & creating a log jam, & hating the word millennials.
But as always, who cares what I think
I’m a tax accountant that plays basketball before work to convince himself he’s not dead inside
What do you do for a living?
I’ll meet ya there!
Have you ever said anything of worth man? How do the lemmings on this site appreciate the hot air that is your lengthy, useless comments. Not to mention you try to sound smarter than you are.
Then read it tomorrow? Another worthless comment from you
Sounds like a bunch of guys that hate spending time with their families, and don’t value their free time. Thus wasting away hours drinking beer in a freezing cold parking lot. No thanks, that’s not the type of family I’d like to have
I actually like that guy
Not quite sure what you mean
My approval isn’t something you should try to seek
It’s Cube-A-Saurus who has the shitty comments
Don’t be salty because your comments suck
Duda isn’t looking for y’alls advice
I can’t believe Madoff gets praised for the garbage he spews out to you lemmings, but Johnny D gets torn apart. Johnny D & Defries are the only reason I read this site, by a long shot
7 hours? You gotta fly, bro.