Clearing the paperwork from my desk then heading to a conference in Chicago the rest of the week. Chicago people: any bar recommendations in the south loop?
Snapchat refusing to sell to Facebook/Google smells like when Yahoo refused to sell to Microsoft and ended up accepting a bid from Verizon 8 years later for 90% less. That said the guy is still engaged to Miranda Kerr and has nine figures in cash after his sale the other day, so things could be worse for him.
Culvers anyone??? Also, Meatheads should be on this list before garbage such as Burger King, McDonalds, and White Castle.
Valid on the pizza, but lets not pretend the toasted ravs don’t partially make up for it
Beer festival, baseball game, and bars tommorow. Read: All-day bender
Worse now that I realized I can’t spell
The amount of devastatation I am feeling from a fictional story is unbelievable right now
Clearing the paperwork from my desk then heading to a conference in Chicago the rest of the week. Chicago people: any bar recommendations in the south loop?
Some things just need to be said, and this is one of them. Thanks Duda.
Consuming an amount of Irish car bombs that I’ll likely regret in the morning, should be a good time.
Likely pounding a full pot over the course of this morning, gearing up to mail it in at the office this afternoon and watch the tournament games!
Got a couple of filets and some jumbo shrimp ready to go on the grill and a malbec to wash it down. Eating good tonight.
One of the local bars has $10 buckets tonight, was already going to house one but this just inspired me to make it two. Great stuff.
Snapchat refusing to sell to Facebook/Google smells like when Yahoo refused to sell to Microsoft and ended up accepting a bid from Verizon 8 years later for 90% less. That said the guy is still engaged to Miranda Kerr and has nine figures in cash after his sale the other day, so things could be worse for him.
Sounds like the Mrs is trying a new recipe from Pintrest, so it’s a crapshoot at this point
Catching up on paperwork and making some client calls. These deals won’t close themselves! Armed and dangerous with a full pot of cold brew
Early meeting, rebalancing portfolios, crushing review and gliding into the weekend. On cup number 2 of the good stuff. Have a great day everyone!
Cold brew in the office, finishing a project leading into performance reviews tomorrow. Smelling a raise.