Way too much. obummercare already has a million words in additional regulations created by the unelected regulators of the program. Apparently a 3000 page mystery bill wasn’t enough.
He made a big point about government bullying. Dealing with something as small as a simple IRS audit can be so expensive for most individuals or even small to medium sized businesses, let alone an insider trading charge.
George Carlin can help here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvFyZoTDZ2U
A nice watch to show off on one arm and a woman to show off on the other. Not too shabby.
You talk about the modern woman having a right to choose but your favorite Barbie had an arranged marriage. Dirty hypocrite.
With the way his face turned out that $100,000 should have been put towards an extremely elaborate suicide attempt instead.
Bitches love Kelvin cocks
So that’s why Millennials can’t find a job out of college.
No dry spell is long enough to be worth opening this Pandora’s Box of crazy.
Way too much. obummercare already has a million words in additional regulations created by the unelected regulators of the program. Apparently a 3000 page mystery bill wasn’t enough.
“Make my bed bounce.” That’s a spam bot bud.
America is imploding.
That’s assuming politicians and unelected regulators actually give a shit about what the people think, and you know what they say about assuming.
He made a big point about government bullying. Dealing with something as small as a simple IRS audit can be so expensive for most individuals or even small to medium sized businesses, let alone an insider trading charge.
T-Mobile has a pretty damn good deal for we big city mashers. And I may have gotten drunk last night in honor of a friend who passed away.
Lion tie clip http://www.artfire.com/uploads/product/1/881/55881/5355881/5355881/large/steampunk_-_lion_king_of_the_jungle_-_men_s_tie_clip_bar_clasp_-_antique_silver_-_by_glazedblackcherry_ea05fc52.jpg
Me too
Lower back.
I aim to please