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Happy Birthday, America! As Willard Scott would say, you’re 238 Years Young! You don’t look a day over 237, you beautiful, buxom bastion of freedom, you. In fact, as Chris Rock said in the WAY too underrated film “Head of State,” “If America was a woman, she would be a big-titty woman, and EVERYBODY loves a big-titty woman.”
And so we do. We’re the little nation that could that turned into the big, unstoppable juggernaut that celebrates its independence from those tea-sipping motherfuckers by blowing Chinese-made shit up, racing fast cars, crashing monster trucks together and airing a “Price is Right” all-military special episode. You thought we were a “City Upon a Hill?” Fuck that, John Winthrop, we’re the Kingdom atop the highest peak of Mount Olympus. This is the greatest nation on the face of the earth, and I could think of about 13,000 reasons why. But I’ll narrow it down to 238. Why? Because it’s poetic, that’s why. America invented poetry. ….We didn’t? Whatever, then we made it much fucking better. Edgar Allan Poe? American. Take that, William Shake-and-Bake.
In no particular order…
- 50 Stars
- 13 Stripes
- Red
- White
- Amber Waves of Grain
- Purple Mountain Majesties
- The Fruited Plain
- Ronald “The Gipper” Reagan
- Mayonnaise
- Hot dogs
- The cool, refreshing taste of Bud Light — “”
- Baseball
- Apple Pie
- Mom
- Blue
- Corvette
- Bruce Springsteen
- …and The E-Street Band
- Freedom Fries
- Freedom
- Cool Whip
- Truth
- Justice
- The American Way
- Superman (the original illegal Alien)
- Corn Dogs
- State Fairs
- State Fair Corn Dogs
- Frying the shit out of everything
- Fried Oreos
- Fried Twinkies
- Fried Rocky Mountain Oysters
- The Bill of Rights
- The Bill of Clinton
- The Thirteen Colonies
- #TBT
- George Washington
- George Washington’s bloodlust for motherfucking cherry trees
- George Washington’s wooden teeth and syphillis
- “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart”
- Ellis Island
- The Gettysburg Address
- Abraham Lincoln’s stovepipe hat
- Archie Bunker’s Chair
- Archie Bunker
- Television (You’re welcome, rest of the world)
- Puerto Rico
- TIE: Peanuts and Cracker Jack
- The Cotton Gin
- The Gin Bucket
- Fraternities
- Sororities
- Rush Boobs
- Total Frat Move
- Fake Tits
- The Alamo
- Rock and Roll
- Elvis Presley
- “Saturday Night Live” (From 1975 to about 2008)
- Dr. Brown’s Black Cherry Soda
- Chicken fried Steak
- Steak fried Chicken
- Jack Black
- Tenacious D
- Netflix
- PornHub
- YouPorn
- Actually, just porn in General
- Hugh Hefner
- Bacon (the breakfast meat, not the man)
- Bacon (the man, not the breakfast meat)
- David Letterman
- Johnny Carson
- Team America: World Police
- John Madden
- The Declaration of Independence
- Las Vegas
- Jack Daniels
- Johnny Walker
- Jack Bauer
- Long Island Iced Tea
- Hazing
- McDonald’s
- American Apparel
- Beyoncé
- Valium
- Colonoscopies
- Brian Williams
- Jimmy Fallon
- The KFC Double Down
- Secret Menus at Fast Food Restaurants
- Quesaritos
- Marilyn Monroe
- Marilyn Manson
- The RFK/Triboro Bridge
- The Golden Gate Bridge
- Jeff Bridges
- Howard Stern
- Yelling “Baba Booey” behind a live news camera
- Charlie Sheen
- Martin Sheen
- Emilio Estevez
- The Mighty Ducks
- D2: The Mighty Ducks
- Beatin’ your meat
- Grilling
- Charcoal
- Propane and Propane Accessories
- WE’RE #1! WE’RE #1!
- Foam Fingers
- Doing “The Wave”
- Brooklyn
- Kansas (the band)
- Missouri (the state)
- Aaron Sorkin and everything that’s ever come out of his mouth
- George Washington Carver
- Comic Books
- Going balls-to-the-wall
- Pro Wrestling
- Stan “The Man” Lee
- Rambo
- Kenny Powers
- Pizza
- Bagels
- Lox
- Captain America AKA Steve Rogers
- Mashing any video up to “America, Fuck Yeah”
- “Star Trek”
- “Star Wars”
- “Spaceballs
- TIE: Peanuts (the food) / Peanuts (the comic strip)
- Every NFL team except the Redskins (Until they change their name, naturally)
- Michael Jordan
- “Space Jam”
- The NFL (sometimes)
- NBA Commissioner Adam Silver
- Walt Disney World
- Walt Disney himself
- Patriotism
- Fireworks
- Sex
- The Internet
- John Adams
- Sam Adams
- Amy Adams
- “The Addams Family”
- Catching all 150 Pokémon
- “Oh fuck, I forgot to catch Mew”
- “The Simpsons”
- “Top Gun”
- Maverick
- Goose
- Beach Volleyball
- Basketball
- Jerry Seinfeld
- John Belushi, may he rest in peace
- “Animal House”
- Starbucks
- Rodeos
- Doggy Style (the sex position)
- Doggystyle (the Snoop Dogg album)
- The First Amendment
- Christmas
- Capitalism
- George H.W. Bush
- George W. Bush
- Voting
- The night we got Bin Laden
- Democracy
- Day Drinking
- Kegs
- American Beers and Microbrews
- Ford F-150
- Chevy Tahoe
- The Blue Angels
- Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater II
- Bourbon
- The American Flag/Old Glory
- Playing shit on a bugle
- Target
- “The Star Spangled Banner”
- Bald Motherfucking Eagles
- Bald everything (Just ask your girlfriend/my back)
- Thongs
- Tinder
- “The Magic School Bus”
- Premarital Sex
- Postmarital Sex
- Hammocks
- Giving Zero Fucks
- Food Trucks
- World War II
- Total Sorority Move
- Post Grad Problems
- The Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest
- Being a Rowdy Gentleman
- Jay-Z
- Eminem
- TV Marathons (“I Love Lucy,” “Twilight Zone,” “Honeymooners,” etc.)
- Turning Down For What
- Croutons
- Futons
- The iPhone, iPod, and pretty much anything that starts with a lower-case “i”
- The Sybian
- Applebee’s
- Chipotle
- The (212) Area Code (aka New York City)
- California (knows how to party)
- Dogs. Also, puppies.
- Rudy Giuliani
- Texas (Don’t Mess With It)
- “Born to Run”
- The CBS Evening News with Dan Rather
- Walter Cronkite
- Woodward and Bernstein
- “The Big Game” (Copyright restrictions and what-not)
- Copyright Law
- “I Like Big Butts” by Sir Mix-A-Lot
- The United States Constitution
- A Government Of The People, By The People, For The People
- The White House
- Lee Greenwood
- Religious Freedom
- Freedom of the Press
- Saying “fuck you” to The British, King George III, et al. Pretty much all of the Europeans.
- Oprah Winfrey
- “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver”
- “Battle Hymn of the Republic”
- “The Tonight Show”
- T-Shirt Cannons
- Parades
- Abraham Lincoln
- The United States Armed Forces and their many members past and present, who dedicate and risk their lives to protecting the freedoms that we so enjoy; everything on the list above would not be possible without those brave men and women who are prepared to lay down their lives, day in and day out, to keep us safe, and to those that made the ultimate sacrifice for God and Country.
God Bless America.
Happy Birthday, Beautiful.
I’m impressed. I read this as fast as I could in rhythm of Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start The Fire.
thank you for 135. I was afraid we almost forgot about it.
Party on.

Bud Heavy cause ‘MERICA
Mayonnaise? Fucking ew.
RIGHT?! Sick, nasty.
I don’t know about you, but Jesus is my favorite American
God bless this list and the greatest American to ever live – Jesus Christ!
The sybian haha
Yet Mr. Reagan rocks a Soviet RPG on his back, and German made MP7 in this still epic and poetic picture. ‘MERICA!!!!
No adderoll on this list = complete bullshit. Sorry boss. Muuurica!
Maybe for you I should’ve included “Spelling Bees.”