======= ======= ====== ====== ====== ===== ==== ====== ====== ===== ==== ======= ======= ====== ====== ====== ===== ==== ====== ====== ===== ==== Built for speed, not comfort. So luxurious. Built for a king. Sit upon your throne. Use the buddy system at all times. I don’t want to reach for my toilet paper. The waterfall sink is way in for 2014. An open-door policy is important. I can see you. Good old fashioned ingenuity. See who’s coming. Get some exercise while dumping. Nothing wrong with riding side saddle.
JDbro 11 years ago I don’t get the exercise one what’s up with that -5 Log in to reply or vote on comments
I Have the Memo 11 years ago There’s enough room to fit another toilet or two in that stall. Inefficient use of space. 9 Log in to reply or vote on comments
JDbro 11 years ago No its actually the fact that the TP is not in arm’s reach. I see it now. I’m a moron. -22 Log in to reply or vote on comments
I don’t get the exercise one what’s up with that
There’s enough room to fit another toilet or two in that stall. Inefficient use of space.
No its actually the fact that the TP is not in arm’s reach. I see it now. I’m a moron.
I spy The Root Cellar in San Marcos