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Do you dread job interviews? Why wouldn’t you? They’re basically like taking an exam that you study for, but have no idea what the questions will be. I’m pretty sure that’s a prevailing nightmare people had back in grade school, but in the post grad world, it’s just called life. Well, all of your job interviews are about to look approximately a thousand times better, because unless you’re an exotic dancer (which is beginning to seem like a more feasible career option everyday I spend in corporate hell), you were probably never forced into a surprise dance-off at an interview.
Now, not only were these interviewees forced to dance for a job, it was a “mid-level job at a home appliance retailer.” We’re not even talking a stellar paycheck. I bet there weren’t even bennies involved. Just imagine, you’re unemployed, desperate, and then you’re forced to dance like a monkey. These potential employees had to defeat their peers in a dance-off set to Daft Punk’s “Around The World.”
On the upside, at least they chose a solid song. Imagine if you had to dance-off to MiCy’s “We Can’t Stop” or something. Now, that would be a real all-time low.
Apparently, the interviewees were broken into groups and told to dance with each other in the back room. While I’m no lawyer, that sounds sketchy and suspicious. Not only are they dancing for employment, they’re dancing in a back room with each other. Makes your life at your desk look a lot easier, doesn’t it? This whole situation sounds like a Law and Order: Special Victims Unit episode waiting to happen.
Alan Bacon, 21 and a recent university graduate, said he was mortified by the whole ordeal, which is completely understandable.
Bacon says, “I ended up dancing to ‘Around the World’ by Daft Punk, doing rubbish robotics in my suit in front of a group of strangers…I would have walked out but I need a job.”
Well, at least Bacon gave it his all in the robotics department. Sadly, his pop, lock and drop it routine didn’t work out for him, which is why he’s speaking out now. The store issued an apology to the applicants who were affected by this dance-off from hell. Understandable, since you can’t really defend your managerial staff turning into power tripping monsters who force applicants to dance for their enjoyment. One man in the interview was an older guy who Bacon described as looking sad while dancing to rap. Just imagine your dad dancing to rap in a back room at an electronics store, and you will feel these interviewees pain like it’s your own. Being forced to compete with your peers at a beyond awkward job interview is a total Post Grad Problem, and I feel their pain, I really do, but I also wish there was a video.
[via BBC]
All those interviewees have really solid grounds for a discrimination lawsuit.
I thought Bacon’s name was Rob?