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It’s a well-known fact that without coffee, your day is worthless. Whether you go for a k-cup, Starbucks, or crappy (read: free) break room coffee, your morning cup of java is essential to starting off a successful and productive day at the office. On the rare morning I don’t have time to caffeinate before work, my energy falls to a sluggish level, rendering me unable to do anything other than scroll through Reddit and stare at a blank spreadsheet unable to do anything at all. However, I may have to start training my body to do without my daily skinny vanilla latte, because according to environmental scientists, our coffee supply may actually go extinct.
This is not a drill, and you may begin panicking now. The Climate Institute of Australia has just published a report confirming all of our worst nightmares: global warming is severely affecting growth of coffee beans. So much so, that if warming continues on the same trend, half of the area where coffee grows will be unsuitable for growing the beans by 2050, and we can be without the beans altogether by 2080. This sounds like the plot to a science fiction horror movie, but according to scientists, it could actually come true.
While my wallet would thank me for finally kicking my Starbucks addiction, a future without coffee is one I’m not sure I want to be a part of. I guess I should start using the office recycling bin and making environmentally-conscious decisions. Maybe I’ll even upgrade to a Tesla, you know, to save the coffee beans. Bike to work, carpool, take public transportation, do whatever it takes, but for the love of pumpkin spice lattes, it’s time to start making environmentally conscious decisions for all of our extremely caffeine-dependent brains. .
[via Business Insider]
just pound some preworkout problem solved
My roommate does this before a night of boozing. I’m convinced he’ll be dead by 30.
One time in college, I mixed tequila with orange-mango pre workout (because #gainz) and that was, without a doubt, the weirdest drunk I’ve ever been.
It’s a tough pill to swallow realizing that you’ll probably be working until the year 2080. Not ideal heading into LDW.
By 2080 I’ll either be dead or a cyborg, either way I won’t be effected too much.
We’re lucky if we make it past 2017 so this is a non-issue. If you’re that worried about it just jump on the nootropics band wagon and sell your first start up by next month.
By 2080 I’ll probably be dead or at least banned from drinking caffeine anymore by my doctor so….yeah. Carry on.
Tied directly to what I do for a living. It’s another climate change prognostication that may or may not have some merit way down the road. They (farmers) can switch from Arabica to Robusta coffee worst case scenario. Taste’s crappier but it grows in warmer climates.
In reality: probably not gonna happen as quickly as they say it will.
Well, guess it’s time to throw in the towel and start pounding back some earl grey tea. May as well just move to the UK while I’m at it.
How about some of this?
It would be really nice if I could retire by 2050 and not worry about it
Love that the supporting quotes on the Intro page of the report are from execs at coffee sellers (and one industry org).
“Hey guys, let’s support a report that supply is going down/threatened to jack up demand in the short term. K?”