My girlfriend is taking fifth year. I’m not. PGP.
Tore my best slacks power-sliding to AC/DC at a wedding reception. To the tailor’s by 8 a.m. Monday. PGP.
Last week at the current job. Snapchat, Instagram, Netflix, repeat. PGP.
I’m not allowed to wear headphones at work. PGP.
“We’ve reviewed your application and…” No, you haven’t. PGP.
My rival at the company gym is twice my age. PGP.
Font is getting smaller and smaller. I’m considering buying a pair of reading glasses. PGP.
Everyone in my department calls me “kid” and I’m 27. PGP.
Never in my life needed TUMS until today. PGP.
I use the Grandex podcasts to keep my days straight. PGP.
Leaving the office “early,” two hours after everyone else. PGP.
“Your password is about to expire.” PGP.