Staycation week=job interview week. PGP.
Pretty sure I have hemorrhoids. I’m 22. PGP.
Getting reprimanded for putting Last Chance U in the Education section of my company profile. PGP.
Due to restructuring, not knowing if someone got canned or is just taking vacation. PGP.
My sister and my best friend are getting married one week apart. I’m MOH for both weddings. PGP.
When you have to call in sick so you can go to a job interview. PGP.
Took a half day to go to a game that’s most likely getting rained out. PGP.
“Hi, who just joined?” PGP.
“Feeling old” on the 40th anniversary of Elvis’s death, despite being younger than 40. PGP.
Announcing “I’ll keep working on this when I get home” knowing damn well that’s a bold face lie. PGP.
Reigniting an old college flame while in town for work only to be ghosted when you leave. PGP.
That guy in the cubes that advertises his soreness due to physical activity over the weekend. PGP.