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I wish I were one of those people who enjoyed working out (if those people even truly exist). I just don’t. I haaaaate it, and it is, by far, the worst part of my day. It’s not that I don’t feel great afterwards, or don’t like reaping the benefits of fitness, because I do. It just angers me that I have to participate in such a time-consuming, monotonous activity in the first place. However, anger isn’t so much a legitimate excuse, as much as the following things can sometimes be, and you know damn well we’ve all used them.
- I worked out yesterday (Only if you did, in fact, work out yesterday).
- (Insert acquaintance’s name here) wants to happy hour. I need to be more social.
- It’s early in the week. Plenty of time to catch up.
- It’s too hot, and I’ve already been sweating all day, which is pretty much a workout.
- It’s too cold. My body has been working out all day in attempts to keep me warm. Plus, it’s fleece season.
- Honoring the Sabbath.
- It’s Friday. No one works out on Fridays.
- Welp, it’s too late. I won’t look any skinnier then than I do now (As an event you’ve known about for weeks is nearing).
- I’m pretty sure cleaning up the house is the same thing as 45 minutes at the gym. I read that in Good Housekeeping one time.
- I’ve walked around a LOT today.
- I didn’t order pizza last weekend.
- I’ll go after this nap. I need energy to work out.
- FOUR HOURS LATER: Well shit, it’s dark outside, better just go to bed and have energy to workout tomorrow. I’ll eat first, so I have energy in the morning.
- I’ve already started drinking.
- I’ve heard only three days a week is sufficient.
- Heard there’s a bug going around (EBOLA). Wouldn’t want to catch it at the gym.
- Everyone deserves one of those days where you do nothing.
- My shows are on tonight.
- Too full. I need to let my food settle.
- I’ve only eaten a salad today.
- Busy writing an article about poor excuses not to workout.
Some of my soldiers probably use these.