Chit Chat

After a 1.5 year victory lap at the University of Florida, Chit Chat has spent every day since contemplating life as a bartender on an obscure beach while he sits at his desk in his office in Tampa, Florida. Hobbies include writing, drinking, complaining, spending money he doesn't have, undergoing therapy at the church of weight lifting, and "consulting", whatever that means.

Member Since 12/12/2015

Should I Take This To HR?

Waiting For Happy Hour

Everything That Happens During A Day Without An iPhone

What I Learned After Waking Up In A Dorm Room

Find Your Own Winning Numbers

All of My Friends Are In Serious Relationships And I’m Just Sitting Here Reading This Story

My Hate-Hate Relationship With Networking Events

Closing The Deal While You’re Home For The Holidays

Requiem For A Holiday Party Novice

The Moment When Everyone Realizes You’re Faking It